South Island Motorhome Show
22nd-23rd February 2025 | A project of the Ashburton Lions Club

Trade & Market Sellers Registration
This page is for businesses only. Private sellers of caravan & motorhomes please click here.
Directly showcase your products and services directly to hundreds of engaged attendees at our very popular annual show. The show is a great way to offer hands on demonstrations and walkthroughs of vehicles, technologies and other supporting services or equipment.
Food/Drink Vendors: We manage the variety and number of food & drink vendors carefully. Please submit a registration of interest here if you wish to be considered. Thank you!
Important information:
Trade sites are to be occupied by businesses involved in the motor home & caravan sector. (e.g., suppliers of new and second hand motor homes & caravans, associated support businesses and supplies, specialised banking & insurance brokers).
Trade sites must be attended for the full duration of the event
Friday: Gates open from 8am for Trade, Market and Private Sellers
Saturday: Gates open from 7.30am for set up access
Saturday: Open to the general public from 9am to 4pm
Sunday: Open to the general public from 9am to 3pm
Monday: All sites to be cleared by 12 noon
There is no power available for outdoor market sites
Marquees larger than 100m2 are not allowed.
Securitas will be patrolling the grounds from Friday 4pm to Sunday 4pm
There will be several Lions members on site for the duration of the show
Attendee tickets are included as noted below. If you require additional attendee tickets, please click here to pre-purchase.
Please register early to avoid disappointment.
Returning traders who wish to retain a former site must confirm no later than 1st December.
Registrations and/or payments received after 31 January may not be accepted.
The organisers make best effort but cannot guarantee the requested site will be allocated to you
Trade Site Pricing
Pricing is for both days (Saturday and Sunday). Access for setup is available from 9am Friday.
All pricing is in NZD and is GST inclusive.
5m x 5m: $125
5m x 10m: $250
10m x 10m: $380
10m x 15m: $450
10m x 20m: $500
15m x 20m: $550
20m x 20m: $620
20m x 30m: $700